Ok, so this is the second of the intro posts.
Its picture time! All of the following toons are mine, and most of them are in , one of the guilds tied for second serverwide in progression.

:points to the right: This is my current main toon, Onakoko, the Boomkin of Doom. I don't have her helmet showing right now- I wanted to show off her beautiful face- but there she is in her Tier 7.5 glory!

This is Moraena, my beautiful blonde bombshell shadow Priest. Yep, thats the Dignified Headmaster's Charge and the Tattered Dreadmist Mantle- compliments of Koko's ample supply of Emblems of Valor and Heroism. She's my current project, and will be going Discipline at 70 for healing/ levelling purposes, then holy at 80, to help the guild out when healers can't come on to raid. Being the Guild Master's wife means I have to help out as much as I can.

This is Lostnauriel, my 'other side project who will eventually get levelled.' I say that because i'm waiting for everyone and their mother to delete their Death Knights.
Yes, I made her look like a Drow. And, yes, he name is derived from Tolkein's Sindarin language (it means 'empty fire.') I'm such a geek.

And this is Aurasai, my beautiful Hunter girl. This is the toon that saw the inside of Black Temple and Mount Hyjal and adores her special Illidan tabard. She's not often played anymore, in favor of Koko and her Moonkin Aura, but she's my first love and she'll always hold a special place in my heart.
I don't have any good shots of Mina or Surry... I haven't really touched either of them in months, not since Wrath got released and Nox started getting back into raiding. But I'll slap some pics up when I get up off my lazy butt and take some.
Anyways, back off to work. Love, peace, and all that stuff.
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